Is Your AC Whispering for Help?
Even the most reliable air conditioning units can whisper hints of needing a little tender loving care. Recognizing these signs early can save you from the discomfort of a broken AC on the hottest days.
- Unusual Noises: Squealing, grinding, or rattling sounds can indicate mechanical issues.
- Warm Air: If your AC is blowing warm air, it could be a sign of restricted airflow or a refrigerant leak.
- Frequent Cycles: Your AC should cycle on and off routinely. If it’s cycling more frequently, it’s time for a check-up.
- High Humidity: An AC unit should moderate humidity levels. Sticky, high humidity indoors signals a problem.
- Water Leaks: Any leaks around your AC unit are not just normal condensation. They can indicate a refrigerant leak or a blocked drain tube.